Business Loans
Whether you need money for an expansion, purchasing equipment or materials or any other business activity, we have a business loan to make it happen.
Quick Turnaround
Debt consolidation available
Competitive interest rates
Cash secured loans available at more attractive rates
Salary deduction available
Interest on reducing balance
SME Loans.
The National Bank of Dominica Ltd. has collaborated with the Eastern Caribbean Partial Credit Guarantee Corporation (ECPCGC) to provide partially guaranteed loans to small and medium-sized businesses (SME’s).

Business Term Loan.
Whether it is a loan to purchase equipment or a business vehicle or for working capital, NBD offers a range of maturities with fixed rates to help you purchase the tools to continue to grow your business.

Business Real Estate and Construction Loans.
Looking to purchase, build or make some improvement? We offer real estate and construction loans for a wide variety of real estate needs and are dedicated to serving your business.

Business Lines of Credit.
Get a Line of Credit for your business.
Our lines of credit will offer your business temporary or seasonal cash flow when you need it the most. It can provide overdraft protection. Allows you to borrow up to an established limit.

Business Equity Loan.
Let your home equity work for you
Your business can be ready to take advantage of new opportunities or finance continued growth using the equity in your residential or commercial real estate.

Business Credit Card
More spending power for your business.
With our business credit card, you can make purchases without having to get cash, write up a purchase order or write a cheque.

Visit us, call 1-767-255-2300, or Ask NBD via the form provided.